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What are the 9 Benefits of Retiring Abroad in Colombia?

What are the 9 Benefits of Retiring Abroad in Colombia?

Travel, Expat Consulting, Lifestyle, Real Estate

Interestingly enough, the media is beginning to catch fire about a topic which I have seen as an increasing trend in foreign arrivals.

Over the last two years, I am seeing more and more interest in Retiring Abroad, living abroad and working abroad in Colombia. Maybe even more actual interest in creating a lifestyle, than tourism…

Retiring Abroad in Colombia

Retiring Abroad in Colombia

The easiest visa to obtain in Colombia based on income, and is positioned especially for retirees. It has the lowest requirements, and probably the most benefits for how much you will spend obtaining it.

We feel that the Benefits of Retiring Abroad speak for themselves:

  1. Security is Medium. If you are from a quiet small town where everyone leaves their doors open, then Colombia may not be your style. But, if you are conditioned by life and experienced to be alert to your surroundings, use taxis at night, and don’t sport high end watches or jewelry, then the odds are high that nothing will ever happen.
  2. Lower Cost of Healthcare. With premiums higher than ever, there is a certain attraction to being able to pay for procedures in cash. Dental work typically starts in the $20 USD range and work up into $500+ for implants – as an example. Many high quality doctors can be found through networks like ours and via online search.
  3. Lower Cost of Rent and Real Estate. In the Coffee Region, a one bedroom fully furnished studio-apartment can start around $300 – 500+ per month. In Manizales, the costs are lower and can be $200-500 per month. Pereira, is the most expensive with $500 per month as the average for a fully furnished apartment in a nice part of town. Armenia seems to fall in the middle. Buying is a whole separate topic, but for $100,000 USD+ you are on your way to buying a really nice home or farm in Colombia.
  4. A Climate For Every Preference. Especially in the Coffee Region, you can pretty much shop for the climate you want. Cool and rainy, warm and rainy, or hot with infrequent rain – or even hot and dry; can all be found here.
  5. Fresh Food For Less. With many products being cultivated within minutes of the city, the Coffee Region stands apart for this one. Because of this, the cost is very low, the quality is excellent and we can find most of our favorite foods – including sweet potatoes, here. Here’s a video where my mom, who hardly speaks any Spanish – is shopping at the Galeria, or distribution center where much of the food passes through upon arrival to the city.
  6. Convenient Transportation Options. This isn’t to say that a public bus is always the most comfortable form, but in the coffee region, it is economical, safe and easy to get around in. For once in our lives we can sit back and let someone else drive and pay insurance. Even most taxi rides are pennies on the dollar to what they are in our home countries.
  7. Closer to the US/Canada than anywhere else, in South America. I know many Americans and Canadians who fly back and forth frequently due to the proximity. With direct flights to Miami and Panama City from the Pereira Matecana International Airport – this is an area that is becoming easier to get to.
  8. Easy to Ship to. You moved here but you aren’t quite ready to give up your home devices, your family heirlooms or convenience. With shipping services that are becoming more well-known, it can cost as little as $2 – 3 per pound conservatively, which is almost the same cost or cheaper even than shipping our stuff across country.
  9. A Developing Economy. Despite the known issues, the current administration (Duque), is investing heavily in the creative industry of Colombia which currently comprises 1.8% of their GDP. This is a bigger percentage than either coffee or oil. If you have a mastery level of manual or digital arts requiring creativity and knowledge – then you could find yourself with a post-retirement hobby. [4]

We could go on talking about the Benefits of Retiring Abroad in Colombia – but it is almost a moot point. Most people won’t believe it until they see it, read proper sources, and make their first visit.

Let Us Help You Get Organized!

VIP Expat Lifestyle Tours – which help you get oriented, and VIP Personalized Real Estate Consulting services. We can help! With a smooth transition your biggest challenge will be the language. We help you find a place to live, your favorite snacks and can even create contacts with social groups and hobbies that will help you create the lifestyle of your dreams. It’s all at your fingertips.

The Benefits of Retiring Abroad in Colombia – Read more HERE: Cost of Rent in Manizales – Cost of Rent in Pereira (Future Article)

Here’s what previous clients are saying:

“On short notice, Erin was able to organize a tour of several homes and apartments that were well-suited for my needs and budget. She’s both knowledgeable and cheerful. A day with Erin is both fun and informative; you’ll not only learn about the local housing market and purchase process, you’ll gain valuable insights regarding the local culture to better understand why Manizales might be the right place for you.”

Chris M. 50-something Bogotá via California

Our tour was so much fun! Thanks for showing us around! You are a wealth of info, a great resource, and an all-around awesome person 😎

Jessica G. 40 Reno-Tahoe, USA

Erin, I want to take a minute to thank you again. Your tour was customized to meet the requests I made, and I truly felt like I was being shown Manizales by a knowledgable and passionate person. Your web presence also shows your passion for the entire coffee region and I have been able to easily find any info I have been looking for.

George O. 62 Utah

Contact us today via email at or WhatsApp: +57 312 794 8245 to learn more about the Benefits of Retiring Abroad in Colombia!


  1. Why are Americans Increasingly Choosing to Retire Abroad?
  2. Forbes Magazine
  3. The City Paper Bogota

About the author

Coffee Axis Adventures and Expat Lifestyles meet Wit and Wordpress! I have been writing my whole life in one form or another, and blogging since 2012. My career as a professional writer began in 2013 and this is what I have been doing ever since! My personal mission: Create love and appreciation for local brands, products and entrepreneurial projects of value and quality. Do my part to participate in and help create, a strong local economy that supports local people and their families!

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